Saturday, March 2, 2013

Compulsive Liars Apply For Minority Status

A group of compulsive obsessive liars appointing themselves as 'Christians' have applied to the High Court in the United Kingdom to get recognition as a suppressed minority group. They aim at having their lies acknowledged as 'free speech'. And no, to my knowledge they aren't politicians who do just that for a living.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Coming Out Overwhelms Many Teenagers

Gay teens have a much higher risk of committing suicide than their heterosexual peers. The reason is mainly mental stress before and after their coming out. Scientists are calling for more prevention and a fundamental rethink on family and society values.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Time to Plan for The Beach

What was first, the chicken or the egg? And I am equally uncertain about what comes first, booking your summer holidays on the beach or getting your body into form in the gym? Just imagine cavorting your flab in the midst of all those sexy hunks on the beach. Isn't that daunting?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Splash Line-up Next Round

Splash didn't make a splash with all viewers after the first heat (featuring Jake Canuso as the candy) had been aired. But it left a lot of room for improvements. And I have to give it to ITV, they did improve, and dramatically, too. The second and third heats were worth watching for several reasons. And then there is always Tom Daley.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Be Prepared!

You stuffed yourself over Christmas with every kind of food that would add handles to your perfect body line. Still gravid from Christmas dinner, you piled it on again on Boxing Day. Then you drank yourself stupid on New Year. Now you face the choice of either stuffing your face through Easter, or to start thinking about taking off your shirt when the warm weather will come again shortly after that. So what is it going to be?