Sunday, March 24, 2013

Take a Ride

Despite the weather, cycling time is coming soon. Don’t miss out on showing off your prowess in riding. To make a ride satisfying and complete, a good bicycle is needed. There are a few things you should consider when buying one. Once you have found the perfect fit, nothing will stop you from slipping on, sitting tight and snug, and riding to your heart’s content day and night. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Paperboy

The Paperboy was booed in Cannes; it got no Oscar nominations, no Golden Globe, and no other so called prizes from the self-appointed cinephile community: This must finally be a movie worth watching. It turns out to be one of those movies where you have to make a decision after seeing it. It is either terribly, terrifyingly good; or it is atrociously, abysmally bad. There is no grade in between for this cinematic work. What it does in either case is tell you everything about America you ever needed to know.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Justin Bieber: 19th Birthday in London

Justin Bieber was bashing out in London for his 19th birthday (isn't that sweet, thinking of him being around for years and still only 19) and it turned out to be his worst birthday ever. We should excuse him for his age, then, as the events that unfolded were purely down to teenage thoughtlessness. Despite inconvenience to himself, he looked out after his guests first, though.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Compulsive Liars Apply For Minority Status

A group of compulsive obsessive liars appointing themselves as 'Christians' have applied to the High Court in the United Kingdom to get recognition as a suppressed minority group. They aim at having their lies acknowledged as 'free speech'. And no, to my knowledge they aren't politicians who do just that for a living.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Coming Out Overwhelms Many Teenagers

Gay teens have a much higher risk of committing suicide than their heterosexual peers. The reason is mainly mental stress before and after their coming out. Scientists are calling for more prevention and a fundamental rethink on family and society values.