Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Only Stupid People Pay for the Same Thing Twice

Am I stating the obvious? I don’t think so, and maybe you’ll follow my reasoning. Far from paying twice for the same thing, sometimes we end up paying for the same thing many times over. Going through an example might help you make up your own mind.

The Shamans Got It Right: Placebo Works

The results from a study into the workings of placebo products and the placebo effect show that a harmless substitute 'medication' works. The compound being made up of sugar or flour works just as well as the real thing containing pharmaceutically active components. Conclusions may be drawn with wide-ranging consequences.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

How Economy Works

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Who hasn't heard or said it? But his post is not about the famous woodchuck. This is the story of Chuck Forest who inherited a forest and grew rich on wood. How he did it? Read on. It is the real American dream come true.